Stirner Tactical Concepts

Stirner Tactical provides safe and informative firearms related training in Northern Colorado. The Second Amendment is for Everyone


The Bill of Rights is probably the best thing about the formation of the United States, and Stirner Tactical has done their best to uphold the ideals that the civilians in a society should be just as, if not more, armed and trained as the State itself. Society is a contract between you and everyone else, and sometimes the only thing keeping your part of the contract honored is your ability and willingness to defend yourself.

From seminars to actual training, Stirner Tactical will help you touch grass and kick ass. Times are just going to get worse and worse and you need to be prepared. Just want to be left alone to tend your garden and raise your family? Too bad- the technocratic fascists need you as a wage slave. I would rather have a sword, and not need it, than to not have one when I need it most. My father always told me it is safer to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war.

The code REDPAWN can be used to save 25% on any class you take from them. They are good people, really good people. You don't have to agree on everything politically to be a community and to care for another- you just have to build mutual respect. Everybody has worth and value, regardless of how much they can contribute to a company's bottom line. 

And everyone needs to be able to defend themselves. It would be nice to live in a world where we are free from danger or attack. But we do not live in that world, yet. We have to build it. Unfortunately, building a new world will require violence and tools. 

We can't teach you to be violent, but Stirner Tactical can teach you how to use the tools necessary to keep you and your tomorrow safe


Get good, noob!