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Red Pawn Shop

Flag Patches: Russian Federation

Flag Patches: Russian Federation

Regular price $12.00
Regular price Sale price $12.00
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An embroidered patch featuring the flag of the Russian Federation. While some will claim that Russia is an outsider force, attempting to free the world from American imperialism and a rise of neofascism- it is entirely possible for two bad guys to be fighting each other. While I don't support the Russian invasion of Ukraine, or its annexation of Crimea (or its ventures into Georgia and Chechnya), I have seen a lot of Ukrainians wearing swastikas, and the US isn't exactly a "good guy". In all honesty, Russia and China are simply competitors for the title of "superpower", one that America has had a firm grasp on since the end of WW2, and especially since the "end" of the Cold War. When the big players play, the little ones lose. As in every conflict, and I am on the side of the sons and daughters, mother and fathers, who all suffer.

Spice up your outfit by adding an eye-catching embroidered patch to your ensemble! Our stylish, durable, and heat-resistant patches are perfect for airsofters, mil-sim enthusiasts, paintballers, security, and police who are trying to add a bit of flare or humor to their kits, or are looking for a unique way to express their individualism on the field.

Not into airsoft, paintball, or LARPing? These creative patches can serve as aesthetic additions to bags, jackets, pants, or any other accessory you can think of! We aim to be entertaining and inclusive when it comes to our products. We mean no offense to anyone with our designs.

• 26% cotton, 74% polyester
• 3″ (7.6 cm) in diameter
• Attachment options: iron-on, sew-on, or safety pin. Hook-and-Loop attachments can be applied easily
• Blank product sourced from China, with original design by Red Pawn

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